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Why is 5G important?

Why Is 5G Important?

                           Discover the importance of 5G technology

It’s easy to understand why wireless communications technology has become increasingly important over time: By facilitating increased access to information on the go, advances in wireless communications have facilitated improvements in business, education and technology around the world. As mobile communications improves, so too do connections among people.           

The importance of 5G technology

We often say that 5G will usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and change the economy. Because of the speeds and capacity that Verizon’s 5G network promises to bring, it has the potential to be an indispensable technology. It is estimated that by 2035, 5G “will enable $12.3 trillion of global economic output and support 22 million jobs worldwide.”

Reasons 5G is important

5G is not only important because it has the potential to support millions of devices at ultrafast speeds, but also because it has the potential to transform the lives of people around the world.      

  1. Improving accessibility
    Improvements in 5G technology can help make life better. For example, significant advances in autonomous vehicle technology are possible with 5G, creating the potential for people to have new levels of personal and professional freedom. Connected appliances can help automate tasks around the house, which can not only improve personal convenience but also help those who need assistance with everyday tasks.

  2. Extending the reach of mobile broadband
    5G can power technology well beyond what current mobile technology permits. Thanks to its speed and bandwidth, 5G promises to make significant improvements in 3D holograms, virtual reality and augmented reality, creating opportunities to connect people far beyond what current cellular technology allows.

  3. Improving safety, health and security 
    Access to 5G technology promises to improve mission-critical services that affect safety and security of services today. Opportunities include smart cities with 5G in public spaces, the potential for remote surgery, better traffic control and many other applications that depend on nearly instantaneous response time.

While many of the applications for 5G are expected to directly impact how businesses run, the implications for accessibility, the reach of mobile broadband and the improvements in society’s safety, health and security have the potential to be farther reaching. 5G technology is important for consumers as well as businesses as we move into the Fourth Industrial Revolution and explore all that 5G has to offer, including things we likely have not thought of yet.


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